It seems that I'm already starting 2014 behind! I woulds say that one of my resolutions is to keep up with my blog a little better... but I'm a realist...
Just like everyone, December was busy for us. It was my first month of being on call. You never know that you're superstitious until you go on call; not TRULY superstitious, but don't-call-it-a-quiet-night, don't-take-you're-work-clothes-off-until-you're-ready-for-bed, have-your-phone-with-you-at-all-times- itious or your setting yourself up for a call. Overall I was very fortunate and received no late night calls. There it goes eye started twitching as I typed that...I'm sure I've set my self up for when it's my turn on call again. :) One of my most memorable calls was to sew up a horse. It was my first "stitch by headlight" situation. As the client's two and four year old children played in the cab of my truck, I couldn't help but smile at the reality of my life. Eventually it will be my two children playing in the cab, spilling Cheerios everywhere and making dirty diapers before the call is done. It was a sneak peak into the future and I loved it.
This fall I had decided that we didn't have room for a Christmas tree and had given in to the thought of not putting up Christmas decorations. However, as the 25th got closer and closer, I was missing some of my Christmas spirit. So we got a little tree that we can plant whenever we decide to buy a house. A tree, the Nativity, and stockings- I think that covers the basics.

There were lots of events the weeks leading up to Christmas: the Staunton Christmas Parade, the Young Farmers, Riverheads FFA Chapter Officer, and Westwood Christmas parties. Fortunately, we were able to head to NC on Sunday the 22nd and stay through Christmas afternoon. Monday night we took my grandmother and her cousin, Nancy, out to dinner at Porky's BBQ, one of our local China Grove favorites. It was good to spend some time with my Grandma and see some familiar faces in our old community. Tuesday we rode to Hiddenite to spend most of the day with my family. We had fun cooking and wrapping presents for the upcoming family gatherings. I was in charge of two items: 1)
Sausage and Cream Cheese Crescents and 2) Rolo Stuffed Snickerdoodles. The crescents are one our FAVORITE recipes. To make it even more cheesy, we normally add around 1 and`1/2 cups of shredded cheese. Do It. You won't regret it. The Snickerdoodles were a new recipe for me. I found the idea on Pinterest but the link was botched. So I used the
Betty Crocker Snickerdoodle Recipe (which I had used before) and simply put a
Rolo in the middle of the dough ball. They turned out really good and are definitely something I'll make again.
Tuesday night we headed to Berea Baptist Church for the Christmas Eve Service. The service is always a great time for believers to come together and focus on the true meaning of Christmas- the birth of Christ. After the service we headed over to my Aunt Cindy's house for the Bunton Family Christmas. Unfortunately, not everyone could attend because my cousin's kids were sick. We will certainly have to see them soon though! After three boys, my cousin and his wife just welcomed a little girl into their family this week!
Christmas Day was a food marathon! First was breakfast at Clark's Aunt Carolyn's house. Then was lunch at my Aunt Beth's, followed by lunch #2 back at Aunt Carolyn's. We were stuffed! Poor Clark had to drive back that evening so I could be at work the next day.
New Year's was quiet. It was a pretty stark reminder that our lives have changed. In former years we would have spent NYE with our friends in China Grove then met with my Silliman family on the first. But this year it was just the two of us. We debated on making the trip to NC again, however Clark had to work on the second...and it would be another 8 hours on the road...and MAYBE we would come up with something to do here... We are so blessed. We love our life here and have no doubts that's this is where God wants us to be. However, the move is still revealing to me things I might have taken for granted. Our family experienced loss this year and there are so many families I know that have also suffered loss or major illness. So my current challenge is figuring out how to I spend time with and let our NC friends and family know they are cherished while cultivating our new life here...
These are things I know the Lord will reveal to us. We have attended a new church the last two Sundays. Before last Sunday's sermon I had a mental list of "resolutions." I even had thoughts writing them down, hanging them up in my closet. I BRIEFLY entertained posting them here on the blog. But after that sermon I decided that my only true resolution was to draw closer to the Lord, wait on Him, and let Him reveal His plan in His timing. 2013 taught me a lot about this, but I know I have a long way to go. Sure, I know what
I would like to see done in 2014, but my goal is sit back and see what
He has in store.